
Saturday, June 22, 2013

韭菜红白萝卜糕 Ku-chai (Chives) Chai Tao Kuih

Recipe adapted from : Minty's Kitchen

  • (A) 250g radish (shredded), 1 carrot (shredded)
  • (B) 220g rice flour, 50g tapioca flour, 50g tbsp wheat starch, 250g water, 1tsp salt, 1tbsp sugar
  • (C) 500g water
Method ~kuih
  1. In a mixing bowl combine (B) rice flour, tapioca flour, wheat starch, salt, sugar and cold water together.  
  2. cook (A) shredded radish and carrot with water till soft, or until radish turns translucent. Discard the water.
  3. Heat pan with 1tbsp oil, fried radish for 2 mins. Pour in (C) water.
  4. Continue cooking till boiling. Stir in flour mixture and cook over low heat all the time until the mixture turns to a thick paste.
  5. Pour into a 8" square pan and steam over boiling water for about 30 minutes or until cooked.  Cool radish cake thoroughly before cutting into cubes.  
Ingredients for frying the radish cake:

  • 3 tbsp chopped sweet pickled radish (chai poh)
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 small bunch of chives 
  • oil
Seasoning:  (to taste)
  • dark soy sauce, kecap manis (sweet dark soy sauce), light soy sauce, pepper, sambal chilli
  1. In a non-stick pan, heat oil and fry minced garlic and chai poh. Fry till aromatic. 
  2. Add in radish cake cubes and fry till lightly browned and slightly crisp. Heat should be medium high.
  3. Add in seasoning and fry to coat evenly.
  4. Push the radish cake to the side of the pan then crack eggs into the pan. Allow the eggs to set slightly before flipping the radish cake over it. 
  5. Finally add in chives.  Toss until well combined and heated through. Garnish with spring onion and serve hot.


  1. Jane.

  2. 我昨天吃了韭菜饺,现在看到你做的韭菜红白萝卜糕那样美味,也想吃 :D

  3. 我喜欢韭菜多多的 。很赞哦!

  4. 我来吃萝卜糕

  5. 流口水!!!都是我的最爱TT

  6. i got so hungry looking at this! and i'm not a chai tao kuih eater! beautiful presentation! LIKE
