
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

红豆酥 (Red Bean Flaky Mooncake)

Tried the lotus flaky mooncake from Y3K but failed. So sad..... May be the oil for deep-fry is not sufficient as it needs at least to cover the whole mooncake. But no choice bcoz i left a little bit of canola oil for deep-fry. The only oil i have in my kitchen is grape seed oil which is too expensive to use as frying. So, i end up brushed the balance of the mooncakes with egg yolk and bake in the oven. The result is so much better than the one which i deep-fried. Anyway, i will still try again once i buy my canola oil.

The fail lotus flaky mooncake


  • water dough: 90g flour, 30g shortening, 7g icing sugar, 45g water
  • oil dough: 70g flour, 35g shortening
  • 240g bean paste (divided into 8 portions, 30g each, shape round, set aside)


  1. water dough: mix all ingredient together to form a soft dough. Rest for 30 minutes. Divide into 8 and scale at 20g each portions.
  2. oil dough: mixedflour and shortening together to form a dough. Do not over knead it. Rest for 30 minutes. Divide into 8 and scaleat 12g each.
  3. Flatten a water dough and wrap one oil dough into it.
  4. With the heel of your palm, gently press the dough down to flatten it lightly. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough.
  5. Then roll up the dough like swiss roll style. Rest 15 minutes.
  6. Turn the roll dough into 90 degrees, repeat step 4&5. Rest another 15 minutes.
  7. Roll out the dough into round shape, wrap up filling and seal edges facing downwards. Repeat process.
  8. Brush egg wash on the surface and bake in the oven for 22-25 minutes at 190C until golden brown.

  • 油皮:面粉 90克,白油 30克,糖粉 7克,水 45克
  • 油酥:面粉 70克,白油 35克
  • 240克红豆馅 (分割8等份,每份30克)


  1. 油皮做法:面粉、油及糖粉混合,用叉子压搓成屑状,加入水揉至光滑,用保鲜膜盖着静置30分钟。分割8等份,每份20克。
  2. 油酥做法:面粉及油一起揉成团即可。 休面30分钟。分割8等份,每份12克。
  3. 将一份油皮压扁,包入一份油酥,捏紧收口,做成球状,即成油酥皮。
  4. 将油酥皮杆成椭圆形,大约长15公分,接着卷成筒状,松弛15分钟。
  5. 松弛后的油酥皮杆成长条形,大约20公分,接着卷成小筒状,松弛15分钟。
  6. 将每个油酥皮杆成圆片后包入馅料,捏紧收口,做成咖哩角形,排入烤盘内。
  7. 均匀的扫上蛋黄液。
  8. 预热烤箱190度,烘烤22-25分钟或至表面金黄色。


  1. 呵可。。。怎么你和Angie这么早就开始做月饼。我都跟不上了 ;DD

  2. 哇。。。好爱你做的东西哦!

  3. 很久没有做这个来吃了
    很想念哦 !~~

  4. this remind me Moon cake festival is coming..

  5. Ann, just did some for fun :)


    Pynn, 我也是很久没做,做来过过手瘾。

  6. sonia, ya, times fly.... last year this time i started my blog. Now almost 1 year already.

  7. nice job.. thanks!

    have link to our page:
    i LOVE mooncake

  8. HI Jane,

    I have made this today. It is very nice and yummy...

    Also I have just created a site and link to you. :)

  9. Hi, Jane,
    May I know is there any substitution for shortening?
    Thank you!,!

    1. you can use lard or unsalted butter.

    2. thank you !!
      i like your blog so much..
      i tried to make the siew bao before, it tasted great !!
      thanks for sharing all this recipe !!
