
Friday, October 21, 2011

Cake Lapis & Egg Whites Steam Cake

Another Cake lapis! My 3rd Lapis.
This was made few days ago.
And I am glad that I improved a lot compare to my 1st lapis.
Cut into 3, one for my kid's piano teacher, one for my sis in law and the last one for my son.
Gabriel ask me, why we only have this much?
I know he loves this lapis very very much but sorry boy, I cant let you eat too much.
Even I already reduced a lot of sugar contents and oil but still I know it is fattening and high in cholesterol.
So better dont be greedy.
What am I going to do with the balance of egg whites?
hmmm.... pavlova?
No, I am going to do the steam rainbow cake.
Original Recipe from ibutio
Made some changes in the recipe because I really cannot immagine the combination of chocolate, macha, lemon and strawberry flavour in steam cake.
Will type in the recipe as soon as possible.



  1. owww its look so delicious...make me hungry now ;)

  2. Oh my, it is so mouth-watering. I would try to do it myself :)

  3. Jane, Very nice job but how am I going to sleep after seeing these :DD

  4. Jane
    I had bought 4 block of butter n they r now sitting quietly in my fridge, I am so lazy , I should start ASAP
    Well done

  5. Strong temptation of colorful cake,that will suit me nicely!

  6. Florence, TQ and sorry to make u hungry :)

    Pemin, I love this layer cake so much and hope u like it as well.

    Ann, TQ. I think u still have a nice sleep yest night :)

    Yong, wow! that means 1kg of butter. Can do lots of baking. I am crazy of this lapis. Thinking of selling it. But yet to let pple trying. Must get good respond 1st. Further more idont know how much to sell also. hehhe...

    Smiley, I suggest that if u do the steaming one than choose only 1 flavor &others just add coloring. Unless u like mix-up of all flavor which i am not like at all.

  7. 这就太美了吧,不懂几时才可以有这样的手艺!

  8. Sooo.. Beautiful~
    you have successfully tempted me ;p

  9. Jane:
    I like your colourful egg white steamed cake. And the way you present them in the 2-tier cake holder, walau, want to fly there and eat them, hahaha!

    "Think of having high tea, go to Jane's place!" "Want to have kuih, go to Jane's place!"

    So consider me to be your marketing manager when you are having your own biz?

  10. How nice if I can enjoy these cakes for my afternoon tea, hehehe , like the steam egg white cake as it sound healthy .

  11. The steam egg white cake is so uniformly layered. Well done!! :)

  12. Your lapis look absolutely gorgeous, Jane! And great idea for the remaining egg white! So pretty!

  13. I agree with the rest - it's definitely a good idea to use both egg whites and yolks in two different bakes, and the rainbow cake looks so pretty!

    hope to see your recipe soon because i definitely want to try your version out - I cannot imagine using the 4 combinations of flavors in the original recipe also

  14. Janine, TQ so much. I will post the recipe as soon as possible.

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  17. Merry X'mas Jane. Wow! I love your lapis and this colorful steam rainbow cake. Both look so pretty & yummylicious! I will try using one flavor as per your suggestion to Smiley and see if I succeed. :D
