
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pulut Inti (Steamed Glutinous Rice with Coconut Topping)

I really love kuih except for those kuih with durian puree or fillings.
Each type of kuih attract me in different way on their very special taste and colorful outlook.
Just feel so satisfied to enjoy my daily tea time with all this little treat.
Looking at beautiful pictures of Pulut Inti posted by My Kitchen Snippets, it suddenly dawned to me that I haven’t try this for a long long time.
I tell myself, I must try  this out as soon as I can.
And here it is.
Recipe from Rasa Malaysia

  • 15 dried Blue Pea Flowers (I dont have, so i play with the purple & blue colour. Hey! the colour looks alike right? This is the best result i can get already)
  • 1/4 cup of hot water
  • 300g glutinous rice, 200 g thick coconut milk, 1/2 tsp salt
  1. Soak blue pea flower in hot water for 15 minutes till water turn blue. Sieve the water out.
  2. Soak the glutinous rice in blue pea flower overnight.
  3. Steam glutinous rice in steamer for about 15-20 mins.
  4. Mix coconut milk and salt and pour in steamed glutinous rice. Mix well.
  5. Continue to steam for another 10mins. Set aside and leave to cool.
Coconut Filling:
  • 150g palm sugar, 2tbsp brown sugar,  2 pandan leave (knotted), 1 grated coconut (white part only), 80ml water, 1 tbsp cornflour and  mix with 1tbsp water
  1. cook palm sugar, brown sugar, pandan leave and water in a small pot until sugar dissolved.
  2. Add in grated coconut and stir till fragrant.
  3. Add conflour mixture and stir for 2 minutes. Set aside and leave cool.

To Warp:
  1. Place 2tbsp of glutinous rice on top of banana leaf and top with 1 tbsp of the coconut filling. Fold up the 2 sides to the centre to overlap slightly. Then  fold bothh hanging sides down to enclosed. 
I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #12: Traditional Kueh (October 2011) hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker.


  1. Aiyah, I just done this few days back and thinking to post tomorrow, you are faster than me, hehehe . I am ok with anything with glutinous rice, this is one of my favorite too.

  2. 这系列的照片很美喔

  3. Sonia, I made pulut panggang as well to bring over to my sis in law's house. Both my sis in law n her husband are kuih lover. They even pay AUD3.50 for a pulut panggang. haha... Mine save their $.

  4. 鲸鱼,谢谢你。我昨天傍晚拍的,因为光线不好还以为出来的效果不好呢。

  5. 就这样被你征服了我......的胃!

  6. Yes, I left a message in 鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝's blog earlier about the kuih that she made. And this is also the one that I used to buy from my ex-neighbour who sold kuih for living. I still remember that he also grew blue pea flower on his fence and used it to dye the colour of the glutinous rice, nostalgia feeling!

    Jane, you should seriously consider of running a biz of selling/distributing kuih to the local Malaysian restaurants. I've tried those kuih from some of the famous Malaysian restaurants here but they just don't taste to my satisfaction. Really want to taste yours, hahaha!

  7. I had Pulut Inti for tonight dinner too, just to clear the glutinous rice which soaking for 2 days in the fridge :) Yours one look lovely, I like your wrapping!

  8. Pulut inti 很美hor。照片也越拍越好了。

  9. 时常潜水看到你的好料都流口水,现在好饿涅。。。

  10. This is so pretty!!! Jane, you are really an expert in kuih! :)

  11. see only can't take much pulut me very strong gastric.

  12. 你很了不起,什么都会。:) Pulut Rempah Udang和Pulut Inti这两样,一个咸的,一个甜的,两个我都喜欢吃。。。可惜这种糕点在新加坡好像越来越难买得到,马来人都不懂跑到哪里去了, 华人又很少卖。。。 :)

    bee @EEWIF

  13. Everybody Eats Well in Flanders, u mentioned abt Tepung Gombak right? I am sorry to say that i dint try this before. May be i will try to make it one day.But have to fry the green beans first. That is too much work :)

  14. Hi Jane

    Oh i see, no wonder not many Chinese made Tepung Gomak and post it on the web, bcos it's too much work! :)
    The recipes I saw are all in Malay :)

    bee @EEWIF
