
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hunkwe Banana (Nagasari Hunkwe)

Today let us have some Hunkwe Pisang or some people call it Nagasari Hunkwe.
It is commonly eaten as a snack in Indonesia but it is well known in Malaysia & Singapore as well.
This is one of the simple snack among the kuih.
Especially perfect for hot sunny day.
I like the one mix with corn kennels and nangka (jack fruit).
Hmmm.... talk about nangka, I feel like having it now. Hehehe...
And both my kids love this very much.
They call it banana pudding.
I have been corrected them for few times but still they can't remember the name Hunkwe.
OK, fine. Then i told them just call it Nagasari. starts the question: Why Nagasari?  Sounds like Japanese word. Is it came from Japan? Or the Japanese created it long ago? Or the hunkwe flour created by japan? .....
Arhhh.......!!! I dont think Nagasari have any connection with Japan. Well, may be sounds like only.
So, the conclution is stick back to banana pudding.
They happy. I also happy to escape from anwering their questions (google but cant get answer too).

I am submitting this post to Aspiring Bakers #12: Traditional Kueh (October 2011) hosted by SSB of Small Small Baker.

Recipe from Indochine Kitchen

  • 60g hunkwe flour, 100g fine sugar, 200ml coconut milk, 220ml water, 1/2tsp salt
  • 2 banana
  1. Prepare mould and line with banana leaves. (I did 4 cones with hard cardboard).
  2. Place banana slices on the sides of the leaves.
  3. Combine all ingredients in a heavy and non-stick saucepan.
  4. Stir to get all the mixture together and cook over high heat, stirring continuously, till thickened, about 3 minutes.
  5. Bring it to a slight boil, about a minute. The mixture should be thick, but still quite runny and easy to pour.
  6. Pour mixture into prepared containers.

  7. Let cool before transferring to the fridge. Serve cold.


  1. 讲真真的呵。。。我没有吃过这样的kueh,我喜欢香蕉,我想我也应该喜欢这个吧!!好像ice-cream哦!!

  2. saya pun tak pernah makan kuih ini, you really a kuih-muih Master, hehehe..Maybe you can send this to My Kitchen snippets to see whether she wants to try with her Royal Selangor jelly mould..

  3. 我是身边的妹妹都也是没有吃过,因该是master chef的invention test跳出来的啦!真是太有心思了啦!!要这样却一片一片香蕉排来排去在那小小的模里,想到这里,还是等你下次来我这里时,做给我吃算了。我就现在跟你讲定了。

  4. 蓝色小厨,是吗?可能我这样包你有点陌生吧?不过不用紧,这个容易做,你可以试试。

    SOnia, did u get mr reply on hp yesterday? This nagasaki was posted fr Indochine kitchen who also joined the royal S'ngor contest. Since she posted can Gertrude still make the same one? I suggested Gert to make lo mai kai using that cone mould but dont know whether she will try not.

  5. 娴,所以只做4个咯。刚刚好一人一个。通常我们是买包到好像pulut inti 这样的。好像二姑都会做,只是她是做kosong的,而且有加pandan paste.你没有在马来公司做,所以不懂很多糕,走宝料。

  6. Nagasari sounds more like an Indonesian name than a Jap name. :)

    Another new kueh that I have learnt from my idol... Ha... Yes, you are my kueh idol.

  7. What a clever DIY idea!

  8. 这个我没吃过,很好吃的样子:P

  9. 呵呵。。。 我也是今天想做这个。。。 就是还没动手。^-^

  10. This kuih looks very cute.Once I look at the name, Nagasari, I also thought that it is a Jap's kuih, haha. Never try it b4.

  11. 这糕我也不曾吃过咧!!我儿子一看到,就叫我做给他吃了。。。。他说他没过,哗咧!他老妈子我也没吃过呀!!真是的!!哈哈哈!!

  12. Jane, I did not get your reply, you sent by SMS ? Could you send via email. Thanks.

  13. We have this in Malaysia? How come I have not tried such delicacy? My lost!

    Desset came out great just like the photos too!

  14. Love your modern cone take on this kuih! One of my favorites!

  15. Wow! I've never seen conish nagasari!
    and they look sooooooo cute!
    Lemme guess, inspired by Gert with the royal selangor challenge?

  16. Shirley, me too love this Kuih. Actually I am not so creative. Just followed fr indochine kitchen.

    Wendy, tq. Half ur guessing is correct. Gert din do this but indochine kitchen used the royal selangor cone to make this and it is really beautiful :) so I faster make 4 cones for my family follow her method.

  17. Hi Jane, this banana nagasari looks so cute. My husband told me that he likes it with corn. I reckon it's good to serve at Christmas.

  18. Veronica, ya! me too like the corn one. Good idea for christmas sweet. May be i can include in my party list as well. Aren't it easy to make? will be lighter my work load for christmas party. Thanks for ur suggestion.
