
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bourke Street Bakery Sourdough Bread (欧包-酸面团面包)

自从做了这sourdough bread 和baguette 后,孩子们也开始不排斥吃外皮硬脆,内里软软的欧包了。
觉得如 果不放上来有点对不起自己。
后来翅膀硬了一点点,就找shortcut 了。


Genesis (开始):

50g有机面粉 (organic bread flour)
50g水 (water)
2tbsp 酸奶 (natural yoghurt)

Day 1: 在一干净容器内,把所有材料混匀,盖上保鲜膜,放在暖处。In a clean bowl, mix together the starter ingredients. Cover with cling wrap and leave it at warm place.

Day 2: 用一干净的汤匙加入50克面粉和50克水,稍微拌一拌,重新盖好。Use a clean spoon, add in 50g flour& 50g water. Mix to combine. Cover and leave in a warm place.

Day 3: 用一干净的汤匙加入100克面粉和100克水,稍微拌一拌,重新盖好。Use a clean spoon, add in 100g flour& 100g water. Mix to combine. Cover and leave in a warm place.

Day 4: 用一干净的汤匙加入200克面粉和200克水,稍微拌一拌,重新盖好。Use a clean spoon, add in 200g flour& 200g water. Mix to combine. Cover and leave in a warm place.

Day 5: 这里你需要把一些面种丢弃,不然你会面对太多的面种。留下100克面种;把其余的700克(总面种大约重800克)拿去当肥料处理。到第五天之后,重新根据第一天的分量养面种,这样持续3星期,你的面种就可以拿来做面包了。(在10-15里你应该会看见面种出现泡泡,这表明面种有生命迹象,恭喜你!)At this stage you need to discard some of the starter, otherwise you will end up with too much starter.On day 5,the total weight should be 800g. Reduced starter weight to 100g and discardingthe rest to the compost. After the 1st 5 days you need to repeat the same feeds for a total of 3 weeks. On week4 you need to increase the feeds so that the starter is ready to use in a dough.
White Starter Weekly Feeding Schedule (week 1-3):
面种培养表 (1-3星期):
Day 1: Genesis7am (water 50g, flour 50g, Total weight 100g)
Day 2: 1st Feed 7am  (water 50g, flour 50g, Total weight 200g)
Day 3: 2nd Feed 7am (water 100g, flour 100g, Total weight 400g)
Day 4: 3rd Feed 7am (water 200g, flour 200g, Total weight 800g)
Day 5: Place 700g of the sourdough starter in the compost. Start again to feed 100g sour dough starter.
           1st feed 7am (water 50g, flour 50g, Total weight 200g)
Day 6: 2nd Feed 7am (water 100g, flour 100g, Total weight 400g)
Day 7: 3rd Feed 7am  (water 200g , flour 200g, Total weight 800g)

White Starter Final Feeding Schedule (week 4):

Dough Making Day: (做面包当天)

1st feed at 1pm (water 50g, flour 50g, Total weight 200g)
2nd feed at 9pm (water 100g, flour 100g, Total weight 400g)
3rd feed at 6am (water 200g , flour 200g, Total weight 800g)
## once you go to use the starter in a dough, remember to put 100g of starter aside and continue feeding it for future use. If you are not making bread regularly and you have an established starter, it should survive in the refrigerator being fed once every 2-4 days. You need to take out a day before you intend  to make a bread dough. Give them 3 feed (according to final schedule) on the day dough to be made. It is also possible to freeze  and bring it back with same feed as mentioned above.

If you are interested in sourdough bread,you may checkout this website for more option

Final Dough (主面团):
  • 765gBread flour,400g water, 405g sourdough starter, 20g salt
  1. Add all the ingredients to the mixing bowl, except salt. Mix until the ingredients are incorporated (low speed 3mins, medium speed 4mins). Leave it to autolyze in a bowl covered with plastic bag or wrap for 20mins.
  2. Sprinkle salt over the dough surface and mix on low speed for 1min and continue mixing on medium speed for further 6minutes, until smooth elastic dough has formed.
  3.  Leave the dough in a lightly oiled container and cover the bowl with plastic wrap for 1 hour to bulk prove.
  4. turn onto a lightly flour surface and press out into a rectangle, about 2.5cm thick. use your hands to fold one-third back onto itself, then repeat the remaining third. Turn dough 90 degree and fold it over again into thirds. Place dough back into lightly oiled container and cover the bowl with plastic wrap for another 1 hour to bulk prove.
  5. Divide the doughs into 3 equal portions. Pre-shape the doughs into rounds and let them rest for 10 – 15 minutes under a tea towel.
  6. Shape the doughs into oblong (batard) and place into proofing baskets/bowls. Slip the proofing basket into a large plastic bag. Retard the dough in the fridge overnight or proof at room temperature for 2 hours or until almost double in size.
  7. If retarding, take the dough out of the fridge and leave them at room temperature for 60-90 minutes (depending on the room temperature) before baking. Preheat the oven to the highest temperature and prepare the oven steaming.
  8. Lower temperature to 225C and bake for 40 - 50 minutes with steam.


  1. Aiyoyo, you really kut lat! I like this type of French bread too , but will think twice before try out , hehehe..

  2. 哦,我有被分到面包starter,可以试试咯。面包很好看啊!

  3. 哇~做的很棒呢

  4. 哎哟。。。真的很长! 我要好好的研究一下,看我会不会做 :DD

  5. 我好爱欧包!第一张的割痕裂得很立体漂亮。

  6. 我看到这么复杂的做法,晕倒了..哈哈!

  7. wow...看来这面包是需要陪养感情的话哈哈。。懒惰的我就吃你的吧:)

  8. So pretty!! My interest has turned back to western food after I reached home=)It looks really complicated@@ but I loved sourbread! Will definitely want to try one of these soon!

  9. 我喜欢这个面包,一定会试做的,谢谢你的分享 ^^

  10. finally you made this! i wanted to try for so long, hope i can make it 1 day,tks for posting

  11. 哇!!!! 你真的做了!我看着食谱,就已经被面种步骤吓到了。。。要养这么久耶!!!有人告诉我Bourke Street的面包食谱不行,我半信半疑。。。因为太喜欢这本食谱了。谢谢你的鉴证!太棒了!。。。 看来要开始培养面种咯!

  12. 天啊!好像好多工哦! 真是个用来磨耐性的食谱!但成果好漂亮哦!卖相真好。赞!

  13. Jane:
    I can feel your love in making this sourdough!You are really "geng cao!" I salute to you! Your "baby" looks like those that I normally see from the bakery shops!And when I read through your recipe, the genesis, the feed......pengsan lah,not possible for me to learn to make but I really adore your patience! Bravo!

  14. Which website to check sourdough detail? I tried to make starter four times before. I could not get it "alive"! I will try yours.

  15. I'm very interested that you take dough out of refrigerator and bring back to room temperature, all therecipes I've used say , cold dough into hot oven.
