
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bourke Street Bakery's 可颂

延续昨天的 Bourke Street Bakery's 满分,今天再来一个他们的可颂食谱。
上星期朋友带我去Patisserie La Vespa小咖啡馆品尝他们的可颂。
吃完了La Vespa的可颂,第二天就自己动手做了。
昨天吃了bourke street bakery's 的muffin,今天再吃croissant,我觉得自己真的是在悉尼了。
可以的话,明天再来个pork and fennel sausage roll,那就完美了。嘻嘻。。。

Croissant Recipe:adapted from Bourke Street Bakery cookbook
Ingredients:makes 18 croissants
Croissant pre-ferment:
  • 100g bread flour (chill)
  • 55 ml milk (chill)
  • 5g soft brown sugar (chill)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (chill)
  • 5g fresh yeast  (1g instant yeast)
  • 20g unsalted butter, soften
Final dough:
  • 392g bread flour (chill)
  • 550ml milk (chill)
  • 60g soft brown sugar (chill)
  • 15g salt (chill)
  • 35g fresh yeast (8g instant yeast)
  • 500g unsalted butter, for laminating the dough (chill)
Egg wash:
  • 1 egg,100ml milk,a pinch of salt (put all in a bowl and whisk with a fork until well combined. Set aside until needed).

  1. To make the pre-ferment, mix all ingredients together in a bowl until it becomes a ball. Knead it for about 10 minutes until becomes elastic and smooth. If using electric mixer, using dough hook and mix on low speed for 3 minutes.
  2. Put the pre-ferment in a bowl covered with plastic bag and leave at room temperature for 2 hours to ferment. After, store the pre-ferment in the fridge overnight (this can be kept for few days in the fridge).
  3. To mix the final dough, divide the pre-ferment into 8-10 small pieces, mix it together with all other ingredients, except butter, in a mixing bowl until a dough ball is formed.
  4. Transfer the dough ball to a bench and knead for 10 - 15 minutes (by hand) until the dough become smooth and elastic, and doesn't tear when streched gently. If using electric mixer, using dough hook, mix on low speed for 3 -4 minutes, followed by high speed for another 2 minutes.
  5. Put the dough in a bowl covered with plastic bag or cling wrap and refridgerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  6. Before starting the dough laminating (i.e. incorporating butter into the dough) remove the butter from the fridge. Pound the butter with rolling pin between two sheets of baking paper into 20cm flat square (about 1cm thick).
  7. Take the croissant dough out of the fridge, using a ligthly floured rolling pin, roll the dough out into a rectangle about 20 x 40 cm. Place the butter in the centre of the dough and fold th dough over the top. Seal the edges of the dough together to ensure the butter is completely enclosed in the dough.
  8. Gently and carefully roll the dough out into a rectangle, about 20 x 90 cm. Fold the rectangle from one long end by 1/3, so the dough is now 20 x 60cm. Folf the other one long end over the top so that the dough is now 20 x 30cm.
  9. Wrap the dough in a plastic bag and refrigerate for about 20 minutes.
  10. Take the dough out of the fridge and rotate the dough 90 degree so that the dough will be rolled in opposite direction from previous fold. Repeat this folding and resting process twice more.
  11. Once the dough has been rolled n folded 3 times and had a final rest in fridge for 20 mins, it is ready to be pinned and shaped into croissants or used to make pan au raisin, pan au chocolate, danishes or praline twists.
  12. Take the laminated dough out of the fridge and roll it out into a rectangle about 25 x 100cm with 5 -8 mm thick.
  13. Cut the dough into 18 triangles with 9-cm base and 21-cm height. Stack triangle sheets on baking sheet/papers and chill for 10 minutes.
  14. Take the chilled triangles out of the fridge and shape into croissants. Gently stretch it out slightly. Strating from the base and roll up towards the tip, pressing the tip of triangle to make the triangle longer. Pull away two corners at the base and roll it towards the tip to secure.
  15. Place croissants on the tray. Cover loosely with a damp tea-towel. Set aside in a warm room (25-27C)  for 1-2hrs, or until almost doubled in size. Spray the tea towel  with water occasionally if it becomes dry.
  16. Preheat the oven to 240C. Remove tea-towel, brush the top of wach croissant lightly with egg wash and place in the oven. Reduce oven temp to 190C and bake for about 15 mins, or until a deep golden colour. Cool slightly on tray before serving. 


  1. Jane~~
    Bravo~~~ 这可颂做得好棒好棒!!!

  2. Replies
    1. 谢谢^^我要夹个火腿煎蛋加生菜。。。

    2. 看来我们的莎莎还有要求的,哈哈。。。请!一定煎个鸡蛋夹上火腿加生菜和美奶芝给你。

  3. Yoh, you croissants always look so pretty! Looks like you are advertising for Bourke St Bakery! Next time I take you there! Jane, you can apply for a job at that patisserie & learns the secret recipe, hehehe!

    1. Jessie, ya ya, i am crazy of Bourke St recipes. haha... free advertisement for them. I hope i will be there some day to meet u. Apply job? I also dream i can lei. I am very lauya, don't think qualified.

  4. 你的可颂做得好棒我的很丑。

    1. 去你家坐坐,你的可颂还可以派街坊证明很好了。哈哈。。。水准是各人定的。你觉得我的好,未必别人觉得棒。总之不要嫌弃的话,还可以啦。

  5. 我真的對妳又愛又恨,愛妳的好手藝好廚藝,恨妳。。。為什麼住那麼遠吶。。。。

    1. 轩宏妈妈,爱我也好,恨我也罢,我都一样喜欢你。哈哈。。。

  6. 我来吃美美的可颂了,不好意思,还要打包几个,因为我家小瓜很爱吃,嘻嘻!

    1. siew,试试看吧,其实也不是很难。

  7. 哇,你好厉害叻! 可颂做得好漂亮, 我尝试了三次都失败。。。 每一次都是牛油通通漏出来。 嗨,如果能有冷气厨房,我一定会继续尝试!!

  8. honey boy,冷气厨房?哈哈。。。我也想有哦。其实也不用冷气厨房这么夸张啦,只要快手一点,加上冷藏牛油应该没问题的。再试试吧,加油!

  9. aiyoo, you tempt me to make this croissant ler,,hopefully very soon i can make this..ya, I was tasted a very yummy croissant in Japan too..

    1. sonia, u r so lucky to taste croissant even in Japan! haha... i thought u everyday sushi only.

  10. I am always in awe of your talent to make such delicate pastries...actually to make everything! Every time I see a blogger post homemade croissants, I always want to try but it seems so complicated and time-consuming. Hopefully I can stop fearing them and try make this one day. haha.

  11. cc, tq. Actually croissant is not really hard to make. As long as patient and follow the steps than should be no problem. Good luck!
