
Friday, August 14, 2009

班兰戚风蛋糕 Pandan Chiffon Cake

班兰戚风蛋糕 Pandan Chiffon Cake :

每回提起戚风蛋糕,我必定想起妈妈亲手烘焙的班兰及香橙口味的戚风蛋糕。 早在二十多年前,妈妈就常常做这蛋糕给我们吃。他可是烘焙戚风蛋糕的高手哦。我很幸运得到她的真传。可是,妈妈的食谱是用记忆及普通的碗和茶杯代劳;所以我在后来把它转载为以重量来计算。这样就方便很多了。

准备一个 8吋中空活动蛋糕模

(A) 蛋黄面粉糊:

蛋黃 (egg york) 6只
幼砂糖 (caster sugar) 50克
自发面粉 (cake flour) 140克
泡打粉 (baking powder) 1茶匙
椰奶 (coconut milk) 3/4 杯
班兰精(pandan paste)1茶匙 (因为懒惰剁碎班兰叶取汁,所以用班兰精取代)
粟米油 5湯匙

(B) 蛋白面糊:
6粒 蛋白(egg whites)
60克 幼糖 (caster sugar)


1 先把焗爐預熱至180C
2 用打蛋器把蛋黃打散,加入幼砂糖拌勻。倒进椰奶及班兰精,徹底混合。
3 篩入面粉和泡打粉,混合。最后加入粟米油拌勻。備用。


  1. 用乾凈,沒有水份和油份的容器及电动搞拌器打蛋白至起泡,分三次加入糖打至蛋白霜挺硬,提起打蛋器時,蛋白尖峰不下垂的。若反转蛋白容器,蛋白也不流下來即可。
  2. 分三次把蛋白霜拌入(A)面粉糊中,用胶刮(spatula)轻轻拌勻:從盘的側边下胶刮,轻手地把盘底的蛋糊反转上來,不要大力搞,直至完全混合就可以。
  3. 倒入蛋糕模,放入预热烤炉中,烘約40分鐘。入烤炉15分钟后,把炉溫调至160C,直至熟透。可用针插入蛋糕中央,如沒有蛋糊黏着,即是熟透。 
  4. 拿出烤炉,倒扣在铁架上待涼。完全冷卻後,可以脫模,即成。

一粒橙取 5汤匙 浓缩橙汁 (5Tablespoon Concentrate Orange Juicefr 1 orange)
磨皮茸 (1 Orange Zest, Grated )


  1. hey,
    if i want to use panda leave rather than panda paste, how many panda leave do i need and how many warm water to put? what is the difference between panda paste and panda leave? i have try the other people recipe, and it use panda leave but without the cocount milk. i found the cake is not taste good, i did not taste any panda. the egg they using is 6 egg yolk and 8 egg white. my cake is fail because it is too soft. i don't know why. i have try your receip before by using panda paste and the cake is ok(but i want more panda taste), the cake are ready only 15 minutes, why it is so fast, it is my oven problem. can you send me the recipe for using panda leave and cocount milk? thanks

  2. Hi Manago, sorry to reply late. Just back fr holiday.
    1st i would like to know how big is ur mould. Normally 6 eggs york & 8 whites will only fit in 10" tray. To replace the pandan paste with pandan extract, u can used 6leaves & blend it with 3 tbsp water.
    1st time i heard the cake was ready in such a short time. I think dis is bcoz ur oven temp is too high. Uncook cake will sink or shrink after cool down. Next time u can try to adjust the temp a bit lower so that the surface of cake wont get burn & inner part will be perfectly well cook :)

  3. hey Jane
    thank for your reply.
    i want to make 8" cake mold, do i need only 6 leave with 3 tpsp (warm or cold water?)
    can i add cocount milk? if yes, how many?
    do you think i should add cocount milk or not? which one is better taste?

  4. opps! i miss ur comment.
    For a 8" mould just used 4 eggs will do.
    You can use Sonia's recipe ( which i tried b4 & it turns out good too.
    of course adding coconut milk makes cake nicer.
    But not adding coconut milk to blend out pandan extract. Just used cold water wil do.

  5. Jane, 你好,請問椰奶大概多少g? 感謝。
