说到马六甲的美食,那少不了一定会提起土生华人(娘惹)的美味佳肴及糕点。黄梨饼就是其中之一。也可说是众多传统糕饼中最得人心的了。它也是新年期间不可或缺的饼。几乎家家户户都会做或买一些回来待客。一方面也取其名的好意头;黄梨即闽南语叫“ong lai" (近声旺来)。它的身价也不便宜哦。从数年前的30仙到现在的80仙一粒;可是它的魅力还是有增无减。现在它也带来商机。不少家庭都自制黄梨饼并把一盒盒的饼拿到马六甲文化街或pasar malam 去卖。远近的游客都不会忘了买几盒回去当手信。
- 4个黄梨(澳洲的黄梨太贵了,所以我用罐装黄梨3罐{900个一罐} 加一粒鲜黄梨)
- 300克 糖 (我用半包冰糖及100克白糖)依个人口味及黄梨的甜酸而定。
- 1条桂枝,3粒丁香,2粒八角
- 250克 植物油(我用白兰他面包油)
- 2个蛋
- 450克面粉
- 2大匙冰水
- 盐适量
- 黄梨削皮,去眼。(若用罐装可免去这步骤)
- 黄梨肉磨碎。
- 过滤出一半的汁。
- 加入香料用中火煮片刻,加入糖,搅拌至干,大约2小时。(我常用钢锅煮较快而且不黏底)。
- 待凉或放入冰箱过夜。
- 面粉筛入大碗内,加入植物油。
- 用手指将油及粉搓匀至如面包糠状。
- 蛋轻轻打匀,加入冰水,然后倒入粉内,拌匀成硬分团,盖上湿布,放入冰箱约半小时。
- 那一部分面团擀开,用模具压出饼形,放入黄梨馅。
- 用剩余的饼皮切出细条作装饰,涂上蛋液。
- 烤箱预热160度,烤20-25分钟。
- 取出待凉,放在密封容器内。
做黄梨饼还有一个相当难的步骤就是扫蛋液。蛋液尽量不扫黄梨馅,不然考好的黄梨会黑黑不好看。 我家小宝今天担这重任。对于一个7岁的小朋友来说,她算是很棒了是吧? (以下这张照是后来做凤梨酥时,她帮我扫蛋液时拍的)。
Thanks for dropping by my blog, it look like you have a nice blog too, I will addd you in my blog list too. Why everyday I also jogging like you, but I still quite often fall sick? Maybe I can't control my diet, especially nasi lemak, hahaha..
ReplyDeleteNot yet CNY, you already bake pineapple tart, they are look just nice. And you prepare your own satay, amazing, could you share the recipe too..Thanks.
Sonia, hope u hav a nice time dropping here. NOt that i dun want to share my satay recipe. It is bcoz i normally just used the Pazar brand satay marinate seasoning premix to do it. Tak Selera buat sendiri lah. And the ketupat also bought the Nona brand one fr chinese shop. hehe...
ReplyDeleteYou fall sick bcoz of M'sia weather is humid n quite polluted if compare to Perth. Further more my dinner time is 5:30pm n bed time is 8:30pm - 5:45am which is not practical in M'sia right? hehe...
Hey Jane, your pineapple tarts look fantastic! May I have the recipe in English? My email is lash1985@yahoo.com. Thanks:)
ReplyDeleteElissa, will translate for u assoon as possible ok?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jane:)
ReplyDeleteCan u please also email me the recipe in English? Are these tarts taste the same like the nonya ones in Melaka?
Thks n regards,
My email addy is aquarius66@iinet.net.au
Hi should I use a fluted cookie cutter or a pineapple tart mould to make the shape? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Jane, Can you please email the English translation of this recipe to me? My email is ivylim_moo@yahoo.com Thank you very much & Best Regards. Ivy
ReplyDeleteHi Jane
ReplyDeletewud luv to have yr recipe in English plsss... to email CFoong1955@gmail.com
Thx loads
Hi Jane,
ReplyDeleteI am Harriet and I would love to have your recipe in English, kindly email to harrietlyehy@gmail.com
Thank you very much,
Best regards, Harriet.