
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

烤木薯糕 Kuih Bengka Ubi Kayu

这几天很想吃nyonya kuih, 今天特地去买了两包木薯茸回来。就连衣服没来得及换,马上穿上围裙做了这简单的木薯糕。这是我妈咪最喜欢的nyonya kuih. 可惜今天品尝的人不是他而是我家婆。 我真的很想念她。


  • 1000克 木薯茸 (1kg grated tapioca)
  • 200克 細砂糖 (200g fine sugar)
  • 125克 椰浆 (125g coconut milk)
  • 50克 椰丝 (50g grated coconut)
  • 2个 鸡蛋 (2 eggs)
  • 1大匙 沙谷粉 (1tbsp sago powder)
  • 50克 溶化牛油 (50g melted butter)
  1. 将所有材料拌匀。
  2. 准备7吋方盘,将香蕉叶铺上,抹油,倒入。
  3. 预热烤箱180度。 烘烤25分钟至表面上色。烤炉转至150度,再烤40分钟至熟。
  4. 放凉,切件。

Method :

  1. Combine all ingredients.
  2. Greased 7" square tray lined with banana leaf and pour the batter in.
  3. Baked in a preheated oven at 180°C for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  4. Lower oven temparature at 150°C , continue baking for another 40 minutes.
  5. Remove from oven and cool before cutting to serve.


  1. you can get ready grated tapioca from your place? That is very easy.. Here we need to grate ourself. I never do this kuih, kids does not like this..but I like this, so I buy from outside.

  2. 我很喜欢吃这烤木薯糕,大概有一年多没吃了。这周末我也到Asean Market去看看有没有卖那木薯茸,若有我也想试做做看。。呵呵~ 谢谢你的分享哦~

  3. Sonia, ya we can easily get grated tapioca here in any chinese shop. It is imported fr Thailand n Vietnam. We even can get the grated mang kuang n yam. I actually found out that the asian groceries here are much more varieties than back home.

  4. Rachel, 希望你的Asian Market 也有卖木薯茸。到时你就能如愿吃到你想要的kuih bengka liao lo.
