
Friday, September 10, 2010

Epok-epok Sayur (Vege Puff)


May I also take the opportunity here to wish all my readers; A Wonderful Hari Raya, and
to all non muslim readers; A Wonderful Holiday.
May Malaysia be blessed and be muhibbah always! Maaf Zahir dan Batin again everyone.
In conjunction with Hari Raya, I made one of my favourite malay vege puff; epok-epok sayur to celebrate with my family.
I love and miss this epok-epok so much.....
I still remember years ago, my office messenger used to buy this for us after all his despatched work done in the afternoon from one of the "warong" outside Post Office Malacca.
I love this vege puff especially go with the sweet & sour hot chili sauce.
Mmmmm..... I must visit this stall personally next trip when i fly back.
I really miss their curry puff, epok-epok sayur and ubi ketuk; one of my favourite malay kuih too.
Pastry recipe refer to My Kitchen
Pastry Ingredients:
  • 250g plain flour
  • 50g rice flour
  • 50g tapioca flour
  • 50g butter
  • 50g vegetable oil
  • 130ml icy cold water
  • pinch of salt


  • 1 small size turnip (mang kwang); cut into strips
  • 1 hand full of bean sprouts
  • 1 cucumber shredded
  • 1 small carrot, shredded
  • 1tbsp sambal chili paste

Chili Sauce:

  • 3 tbsp of chili boh
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp of vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • pinch of salt, 2tbsp of sugar
  • Mix all together till sugar dissolved; set aside.

  1. Fillings: Heat oil in wok, put in sambal and stir fry for 1 minute.
  2. Add in turnip and carrot; continue stir fry till turnip becomes soft but still a bit crunchy in the middle.
  3. Add in bean sprouts and stir fry for another minute. Add salt & sugar to taste.
  4. Add in cucumber and tossed well.
  5. Cool completely before used.
  6. Pastry: In a large mixing bowl, bring 3 types of flours together and mix well. Set aside.
  7. In a small sauce pan, melt and heat butter with oil.
  8. Pour hot oil over flours in the mixing bowl. Then, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula.
  9. Add in water and kneed to form soft dough.
  10. Cover dough with plastic wrap and rest for 30 minutes.
  11. Assemble: Divide and shape dough into 18 equal portion.
  12. Roll out each portion into a circle, wrap in filling.
  13. Pinch edges to seal, then deep-fry in medium hot oil until golden brown.
  14. Served with chili sauce.


  1. 看着超级有食欲。。。口水滴到电脑键盘了。。。

  2. 好好吃哦!我就要冲过来了!!

  3. Yum! Very tempting with the chilli sauce.

  4. 这个好吃, 每次都是吃完后才后悔, 因为很肥, 哈哈。

  5. Hi, I'm back.
    I need some time to check back all your posts that I missed earlier because I know all of them are good recipes. Oh, I like this too.

  6. 这个超级想念哦

  7. 我没有吃过包蔬菜的puff叻,不过我很喜欢Malay style的咖哩角皮,谢谢分享这个食谱。

    请问“In a small sauce pan, melt and heat butter with oil. ” - Oil是指食谱里的vegetable oil吗?

  8. 鲸鱼蓝蓝蓝,我很喜欢这个哦。

    titi, 够夸张了,哈哈。。。请你一个,不过得等下回了。


    busygran, i love hot staff and vege. So.. this is perfect for me :)

    Min, 不会肥啦,久久一次没关系。

    sonia, woohoo! welcome back!

    pynn, 是咯, 超级想念哦!所以得自己动手了。

  9. Angel, 是的,Oil是指vegetable oil。

  10. learn about your blog from Angel Blog.... nice to know you... oh I love this and will try it out soon.
