
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chocolate Macaron


I am actually struggling on whether to post this or not.
Had been baking macarons for week but just felt lazy to post it on blog.
But i knew  Alan from Travellingfoodies had make macarons as this month Aspiring Bakers theme. 
So I must at least post one to show my support. 
This classic round and tempting to eyes cookies always welcome by public.
But i don't have a sweet tooth - honest! I made this all because i have many friends who love this little creature very very much.
They will be very touched and happy if received this as a gift from me.
Ya, I have to admit, they are a fashionable gift to give to someone you care and love.
And because of it's popularity, it is always sell at extremely expensive prices. 
So I always think... if you're going to spend several bucks on a two-bite treat, you might as well make them youeself.
Seriously, with a $10, you can make a couple dozen of your own.  
By following Donna Hay's basic macaron recipe, I had made these ultimate chocolate treat with two chocolate almond meringues stuck together with a luscious chocolate filling..
Macarons (makes 24):

200g icing sugar
120g almond meal (ground almonds)1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder1 tbs caster (superfine) sugar3 eggwhites

  1. Preheat oven to 150 C. Sift the icing sugar, cocoa powder and almond meal into a bowl and mix to combine. Set aside.
  2. Place the eggwhites, in an electric mixer and whisk on high 30 seconds. Add the caster sugar and whisk for a further 10 minutes until stiff peaks form and glossy.
  3. Fold through the almond meal mixture in 2 bathes until smooth.
  4. Place mixture in a piping bag fitted with 1.5cm plain nozzle and pipe 4cm rounds onto baking trays lined with non-stick baking paper.
  5. Lightly tap the trays. This will help to remove any air bubbles from the mixture and ensure a smooth macaron.
  6. Allow to stand for 20 minutes  until a “skin” forms on top of the macarons. Use  your finger to touch the top of the macarons. It should be dry and does not stick to your finger.
  7. Reduce temperature to 130 C and bake macarons for 17-18 minutes. Allow to cool completely on the trays. 
  8. Shells should be smooth and shiny with the characteristic "foot" orr ridge underneath.
  9. Pipe the chocolate filling onto the cooled macarons and sandwich the remaining macarons.
Chocolate Filling: 130g dark chocolate, cut into pieces, 40g double cream,85g unsalted butter.
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and stir in the double cream and butter. Mix well then cool before piping

** I'm submitting this post toAspiring Bakers #17 - March Macaron Madness! (Mar 2012


  1. These are so pretty! Love the filling too.
    I also made once for my friend who loves macarons.

    1. This is definitely a lovely gift. Your friend must be very happy. Hope one day i have the chance to taste ur baking/cooking.

  2. 哇!很喜欢最后第2张,很漂亮的包装!

    1. TQ Tracy. Still dont have time to experiment cui-kuih. Will find time next week. Then will msg u ok?

  3. Hey Jane... Just wondering is that a macaroons tray? Where did u get it from?

    1. ya, it is macaron tray. You can find it fr House, Myer or David Jones (Australia)

  4. 马卡龙咧~~~~我到现在都还不敢做这道饼。你好厉害做到好美。

    1. Loy, haha...我也不是很厉害,到现在都不敢说自己的做得很好。有时也会失败的。

  5. Your macarons are so perfect! Btw, is that a macaron pan? First time see it, interesting. :)

    1. hanushi, tq. ya, it is macaron tray. Got 2 sizes. Big n small. I got this fr my sis as christmas present.

  6. 很sui内,巧克力的mac很有吸引力,包装起来的样子任谁收到这礼物都一定很开心。:)

    1. sherleen, macaron always look sui one. haha... even not in good shape also sui coz of the colorful outlook. ya, it is a great lovely gift.

  7. I'm too lazy to make this macarons, have to say sorry to Alan..hehehe...your friend must be excited to receive your nice packing macarons..

    1. sonia, i have to say i am lazy too but with the whites i must do something. bo bian lah. Luckily my friend fr hongkong teach me to use egg whites n dried scallop to fried rice. What a simple dish to use up my balance of egg whites. haha...

  8. Jane, same here, have been making macarons lately , actually made choc mac last Sunday but was kind of lazy to post as I think macaron recipe is very much the same. I think shall complete my post today and click publish.

    Ur friends are so lucky to receive the home-made macs from u.

    The last pic is that a mac baking sheet? It's cool! I never see this here.

    1. Angel, blogging really consume lots of time. I am so tired after doing my daily works. Sometimes really cant find time to sit down n type/posting. The accumulate photos will kill me if i really want to post all. haha...
      Ya, u r right. That is mac tray but not sheet. I prefer mac mat/sheet than tray. Have difficulties to take out sometimes.

  9. They are so pretty. Like you said, because of its high price, it has become such "expensive" gift to be given. Your friends are truly lucky Jane!

  10. Jane, this is my 1st time seeing the macaron pan, it saves you the time in drawing the circles......Since you post this, I must also show some supports. I love desserts but honestly, I can't convince myself to like this macarons. I agree everything that you said, it looks nice, it is indeed a fashionable gift & if someone makes for me, I'll feel touched too but I never buy them myself though I'm such a great spender! In short, I prefer eating a piece of kuih talem than a macaron!4-5 pieces of kuih talem is selling for $6 in Sydney!

    1. Jessie, ya, it is the macaron tray. Is my christmas present fr Helena. Same here, the kuih-muih cukup mahal. My friend supplied kuih lapis to chinese shop only at $9 per big tray but they cut out into small pcs and sell at sky high prices. Since the profit margin is not high and they are time consuming, my friend end up not supplying. She said better do part time job for $20-25 per hr.

  11. 看.你的網絡很久,欣賞你的作品,也有很多問題要求教,不曉得你能給我這𠆤莫不相識的人指點嗎?很可惜,你沒有了中文制作過程 原因我不會英文,佩服你們中英都會。謝謝了!

  12. 看.你的網絡很久,欣賞你的作品,也有很多問題要求教,不曉得你能給我這𠆤莫不相識的人指點嗎?很可惜,你沒有了中文制作過程 原因我不會英文,佩服你們中英都會。謝謝了!
